Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Aid is stimulus package with wrong motives and it comes with some interest as well.

Nothing is free except office internet :-)


Ian Culpin

Again the financial institutions must accept some of the blame by providing mechanisms to channel the illegal gains from graft and corruption into safe havens. Surely ethical codes can be revised to exclude those about whom the only "good" thing is their credit rating. It won't stop the graft and corruption but it might keep the ill gotten gains in the local economy.

Alex Tolley

"Yet evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that aid to Africa has made the poor poorer, and the growth slower."

What is the evidence for this - so alternative world where Africa did better without aid?

Certainly aid has not been done well, especially by the bid institutions like the World Bank. African nations often have themselves to blame with their kleptocracies. However, aid has clearly helped in other areas - healthcare, disease eradication, even food, in some cases.

Ideally what is required is a change in the way many African countries rule themselves, and the institutions and legal frameworks that need to be put in place.

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