Alright, so the secret to losing weight consistently was finally revealed today, and it's a surprise. Ready? Here's the LA Times teeing it up:
"Two decades after the debate began on which diet is best for weight
loss, a conclusion is starting to come into focus. And the winner is .
. . not low-carb, not low-fat, not high protein but . . . any diet.
is, any diet that is low in calories and saturated fats and high in
whole grains, fruits and vegetables -- and that an individual can stick
with for a lifetime -- is a reasonable choice for people who need to
lose weight. That's the conclusion of a study published online
Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine, research that
represents the longest, largest and most rigorous test of several
popular diet strategies."
OK, so maybe not too much of a surprise, but at least it tries to settle it once and for all. And reveals a couple more tidbits to boot:
"The study refutes the notion that any one nutrient has a special power
to accelerate weight loss, said Dr. Frank M. Sacks, lead author of the
study and a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard.
"We used to think there could be a biological effect of certain diets.
That is probably not true."
There may be a strong behavioral
effect in the success of a diet, however. The people who attended
two-thirds or more of the counseling sessions over the two years lost
an average of 22 pounds, compared with the average loss of 9 pounds.
study was highly anticipated because previous research on diets over
the last two decades has come to dramatically different conclusions."
As someone who has lost and gained weight so many times over time can attest to, the piece lays out what it takes in a common sense way. Having worked down this familiar path once again over the last few months, and lost a third of my previous body weight, there's only one other thing I'd add to the article: don't forget to exercise, even modestly, at least three times a week. There are no secrets here, just changing one's habits, staying positive and being consistent.
I dont think there is any secret on weight loss. Its just consistency.
Posted by: weight loss | Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 01:24 PM
Michael, perhaps you could share some details as to your personal weight loss experience. How did you recently drop 1/3 of your body weight? anything specific that worked for you, such as "No Carbs after 7pm" etc.
Also do you or did you consume alcohol? how does alcohol fit into the weight loss paradigm in your experience?
Posted by: harmony jones | Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 08:53 PM