Visual Voice mail, one of the flashier features of the original iPhone, is apparently coming to a Blackberry near you, as Boy Genius Reports:
"If you haven’t yet heard of Fusion Voicemail Plus by PhoneFusion, prepare to be impressed. In a nutshell, Fusion Voicemail Plus centralizes all of your voicemail boxes and presents your voicemail messages visually on your mobile handset.
Instead of receiving voicemails in separate boxes for your mobile number, home number, VoIP number, office number, etc everything goes to your PhoneFusion One voicemail box. The messages are then displayed visually on your handset a la iPhone. Each entry displays caller info and incoming number along with your number corresponding to the relevant phone service (so you know if the caller dialed your mobile number or home number for example). And did we mention that the service is completely free?"
All of this sounds good, but will have to see how it works in practice. The last couple of years have seen a handful of startups provide voice mail transcription services. I've been an avid user of Simulscribe, now known as PhoneTag, which is a subscription based voice-mail service, I'd still recommend.
The notion of having multiple voice mail boxes feed into a consolidated email feed though is appealing. Will have to keep an eye on this new service by PhoneFusion.