Saturday, June 14, 2008


Javed Alam


I do not use the product you mentioned. I use Google personal history through their Google tool bar. They already know enough about me so how does it matter if they also know what I am clicking.

I find my own clickstream data stored at Google very useful. I can always go back to it and search it and it is accessible from any computer and from any place. It does require Google toolbar installation while I am recording the personal clickstream data.

Firefox history also stores exact same data but it is slow to load and search once there is long enough history stored there.

I do however agree with you on the point that Google should support Firefox more then they are doing it. They are a web based company and browser is the application people use to access it.

Eric Powell

Discontinue Browser Sync Suddenly = Worst Possible Press for Google

Google revealed less than a week before Firefox 3 release they will not update the Google Browser Sync (GBS) extension for Firefox 3, leaving thousands of users with a choice: Upgrade to FF3 or keep GBS.

I am *beginning* to doubt Google, and for a very loyal follower, that could be a problem. Years ago, Yahoo used to be a leading service with many great features. Before that Lycos and AltaVista had a good share of the market. Each one lost market share when they failed to support users and keep up in the quickly moving internet application development and public
perception marketplace.

Google has remained on top now because they are good. And they remain good. They keep up. They develop more. Their applications are more innovative. And they are responsive. Responsive? Well. . .

The discontinuance of GBS has put doubt in the minds of thousands, if not a million users: Will Google do this to another product I rely on? I'm asking that question, and I use Gmail, GBookmarks, GHistory, GNotebook, GDocs, GCalendar, and many more.

If this new policy of Google, to abandon users with little or no warning, continues, then I need safer alternatives. I may find alternatives, but will they be better? I suspect in some cases, they will not. I started using Google products because they were good, not because they were Google. I only tried them because they were Google.

I point out something that Google may have failed to take into account: Google said the team that had developed GBS had "moved on to other projects." That is because they could.

They built a good product. The users had little trouble with it. It didn't require massive amounts of support. THE USERS USED IT, THEY LIKED IT, AND IT WAS GOOD.

The world has moved along a bit further, and Firefox has evolved. GBS needs to be updated. They could make it good like it was. So users will use it, they will like it and it will be good. Isn't that the Google Way? Or is that being discontinued too?

Google may have lost more than just a little bit of image. Time will tell. So will the actions Google takes with GBS. I still hope they update it. The work now will be worth more to Google in the future than it costs now. The worth is continued loyalty. The cost of abandoning GBS is the insertion of doubt.

If Google supports the users now while other alternatives are still in development it could be a positive move. If they fail to try, they fail not only the users, but the ideals of Google itself.

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