My sister mentioned in a casual phone call yesterday, that her six-year old son came home from school the other day and announced that he wanted to be an artist.
Of course, that is about the most traumatic thing an Indian mother could hear, especially from a son, regardless of age.
She of course immediately tried to convince him on the merits of a career in engineering, business, medicine, or even architecture, like his Dad.
But young Neal wasn't having any of it. He emphatically kept repeating, "I like to draw".
I tried to console my sister that times had changed, that yes, it was possible for artists to be millionaires. Sometimes.
It's a sentiment eloquently captured in this cartoon by Hugh McLeod, who in a recent post announced he was writing a book. It builds on an online work he published some time ago on "How to be Creative".
Like so many of his fans, I was introduced to Hugh's work via blogging, and am a keen follower of his writings and trademark back-of-a business card cartoons.
My business card sports one of his cartoons.
I wish Hugh all the best in his current endeavor. And look forward to his success as both an artist and a businessman. How could he not, given this eloquent summary of his upcoming work:
"If I had to condense the entire work into a single line, it would read something like, "Work Hard. Keep at it. Live simply and quietly. Remain humble. Stay positive. Be nice. Be polite."
A role model indeed for young Neal to follow.
Amen. If innovation is our future, creativity is our path.
Posted by: Crawford | Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 11:12 AM
Interesting! The Indian mother reference made me laugh :) On a sidenote, I hope you got a chance to see the film Taare Zameen Par. Highly recommended!
Posted by: nik | Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 11:59 AM
Artists of whatever stripe - actors, painters, you name it, live in a world where most will toil in obscurity and poverty. Only a very few will make enough money to live on their art alone.
he should find a patron, like a rich wife, who will support him.
Posted by: Alex Tolley | Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 01:50 PM