After weeks of waiting, it's finally here, the Democratic primary day in Pennsylvania.
Almost forgot how exciting these things have been to watch of late, and this one's going to be no different, even though the conventional wisdom has Clinton besting Obama by single or double-digits.
The Pennsylvania primary hits a bit closer for us, since we have family around the State. So it makes it a bit more personal.
Like many other millions, I'll be glued to CNN, MSNBC and others through the evening, but especially focused on CNN with John King doing his thing on the big-touch screen election Etch-a-Sketch.
Perusing the blogs this morning, I found this post by Al Giordano at the Field to be fairly comprehensive for all you primary junkies to get the mid-day snapshot of how things seem to stand:
"Most likely, the political press corps will set the bar at around 10 percent (or Mark Halperin’s 10.5 percent threshold) in their interpretation of whether Clinton won a big enough victory to demonstrate that she’s attracting, and not repelling, voters at this point.
It’s foolish thinking, because none of those presumptions actually measure whether her support is waxing or waning compared to a clean comparison with the results among Ohio registered Democrats on March 4.
Honest political reporters will make that, and not a “round number” like 10, the real yardstick.
But if the results come closer to The Field prediction of a 4.6 percent lead for Clinton, it would mean at least a couple of long hours before the networks project a winner, but an even longer night for the New York Senator and her narrowing base of supporters.
Update: In the previous thread, of reader predictions, Brazilian for Obama has made a spreadsheet of everybody’s predictions, and calculated the average at: Clinton 53.5 percent, Obama 45.7 percent, a margin of 7.8 percent. (I’ll be watching for that Tuesday night, too!)"
There you have it...get out the pop-corn. It's likely going to be a long night. Happy Primaries all.
Will be interesting to watch, indeed. Sadly, I have to watch from sidelines because a.) I'm a registered Independent and they don't allow us to vote in primaries (stupid rule) and b.) I'm in DC today/tonight.
Still, I'm curious and, despite the fact that I consider myself a moderate Republican, I am intrigued by Obama and his candidacy. And certainly appreciate all the energy and enthusiasm he has generated!
Posted by: greenskeptic | Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 05:44 PM