Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Hisham Rana

Do you remember Jon Stewart's infamous appearance on CNN's Crossfire back in October 2004? If you haven't seen it then its worth Googling for the video. Stewart's exchange with Tucker Carlson was nothing short of witty and amazing when we characterized the show as partisan hackery instead of honest debate. CNN subsequently canceled the show. Unfortunately no one has taken on Lou Dobbs yet for his the-sky-is-falling approach on immigration. I certainly won't be shedding any tears when his show gets axed. As for Fox News, one can hope 2008 will be the year that a ratings hit will force them to live by their hollow slogan.

Michael Parekh

Yes Hisham, those Jon Stewart/Tucker Carlson videos are right on point.

I think Tucker now has his own show, and he's gotten rid of the bow tie.

Hopefully the end of Lou Dobbs cycle takes him back to Space.com and other ventures from outer space.

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