Scott Karp's post on "Why I Stopped using Twitter" has quite a few people talking about it on Techmeme. It is a post worth reading, but so is Charlie O'Donnell's response to it.
We've all experienced the "high noise-to-signal" ratio that Scott talks about, not only with Twitter, but other applications like Facebook and MySpace. Not to mention new ones like Tumblr, which I talked about not too long ago.
Indeed, it doesn't stop there, but goes all the way to how web geeks like Scott (and yes, me too), tend to over-use these things at the exclusion of many other things.
All of this can be cured by just recalling the lesson that most of our moms and./or dads taught us so long ago, "Try things in moderation".
Implementing that advice every now and then is a good thing, whether it's Twittering or anything else on the web, or off.
So I'm going to put a "moderation" post-it on my monitor, while I return to my Twitter and other internet distractions.
The web is addicting (and there are solutions).
And you didn't hear it here first.
If I didn't know better, I'd think all the lessons of Usenet had been forgotten.
Posted by: Lyle | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 09:45 PM
A moderation sticky! Great idea!
Posted by: Charlie | Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 09:06 AM