Fred Wilson had a recent post highlighting the advantages to bloggers to try Tumblr that I found interesting. Specifically, he says:
"There's an emerging category in the middle that takes from both blogging and social networking and we at Union Square Ventures are heavily invested in it with our investments in Twitter and Tumblr. I'll call it social blogging but I'd sure love a better name for it."
I've been a user of both for some time now, and as a housekeeping note, wanted to readers know that I've updated my Tumblr page to include feeds from both my primary blog (this one), and my twitter feeds.
In principle, this should simplify getting "my content" in a simpler, more unified way by just bookmarking, and/or "subscribing" to my Tumblr feed.
Here are the URLs for these feeds for your reference.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mparekh
Tumblr: http://mponit.tumblr.com/
I'm using my Twitter site as primarily by "linkblog", where I list in two sentences or less interesting items I've read or noted in my web meanderings. There's also an option just to "follow" my twitter postings directly, which is explained here.
There's also a link to my Twitter feed, along with my latest Twitter post, in the sidebar to the right on this blog. It's the box in pink.
As a side note, there's a bit of a lag between one's postings on Twitter and when they show up on Tumblr.
Hope you find all this useful and fun.