That's the thought that came to me when I first saw this work of art by New York artist Billy Chasen. Engadget explains it as "iPod explodes: Gets trapped in resin":
" Sure, your iPod is portable, lightweight, and easy to use -- but it's not exactly special is it?
Perhaps you should be thieving a page from a young man named Billy Chasen, who has decided to rip apart his 4G player and encase it in a brick of translucent resin.
Here's the best part: it still works. By also including the dock internals in the project, he's able to charge and control the exploded device. Practical?
Not really, but that's art for you. Damien Hirst would be proud... or is suing."
It even uses Lego blocks for
More pictures from different angles here.
You can check out more of Billy Chasen's work at his site.
I also like his Self-Portrait and the Weight of Words. Still trying to get my head around Neuron Drive.
Engadget is right in that it is a riff off Damien Hirst's work, recalling this piece as described in Wikipedia:
"His iconic work is The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, a 14-foot tiger shark immersed in formaldehyde in a vitrine.
Its sale in 2004 made him the second most expensive living artist after Jasper Johns."
Evoking the iPod and a tiger shark in this way is apt, given what the former has done in it's waters.