Not often one finds an interesting new gadget in Barron's, so this item in the weekend Barron's caught my eye. It describes a watch that analyzed how you sleep:
" The SleepTracker is hardly a traditional alarm clock. It can detect if you're sleeping lightly 20 minutes before wake-up time, and if so start ringing early -- on the theory that you may be on the verge of slipping into a deeper, harder-to-awake-from sleep.
It also records information throughout the night and lets you download it to your computer. You can then generate charts showing changes in your sleep, from deep to light, throughout the night.
Would cutting out a nightcap hurt or help your sleep? Try it and see if the patterns change. Ditto for watching the 11 o'clock news, or working out just before bedtime."
The gizmo is priced at $179, with more info at the company's site.
Not sure why Barron's has an article on a gadget that analyzes sleep, other than given recent market volatility, their readers are likely getting less of it.
Update: Coincidentally, this Sunday's NY Times Magazine cover story is titled "The Sleep-Industrial Complex".
Everything you've wanted to know about better engineered sleep, but didn't know where to start.
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Posted by: 456 | Sunday, November 18, 2007 at 04:56 AM