This 30-second Mac vs. PC ad from Apple is interesting in that it's written not for TV but for use in online publications. Titled "Don't Give Up on Vista", it meets the foremost requirement for an ad in this series, be funny:
And it is that, as seen embedded with a PC Magazine article. I've seen it used in other online publications, like the Wall Street Journal when I first saw it.
Besides being funny the ad is notable to me for two other reasons:
1. It's designed to constantly run as a video WITHOUT sound. It's got a polite "Click here for sound" button if the reader decides to actually listen to the commercial.
That's great online etiquette in my book. More video commercials online should follow this example. Commercials with sound that start to play whenever a viewer surfs to a web page is bad form in my book.
2. The ad's also notable in how it creatively combines a banner ad with a non-adjacent video commercial. That's thinking different.
Now that the Clio awards, the Oscars for commercials, accept web ads, this one deserves a nomination in my book.