Monday, October 15, 2007


Alex Tolley

The second example is a bit of an eye-opener. I never considered that US farmers could set up production outside of the US. It seems so antithetical to the idea that farmers are tied to the land of their ancestors.

As trade becomes ever more global and individuals travel more extensively, it becomes increasingly apparent that the issues related to trade are rooted in national identity politics. Thus we want our economic system to expand whilst retaining the different and exclusive status of our country. This is in stark contrast to say, ancient Rome, where expansion of the empire often added the populations to the empire. Those populations were by default citizens of Rome and could move to the center of the empire if they wished (and had the means). No doubt there were Romans who complained that the Greeks, Persians, Germans were overrunning the culture of Rome with their foreign gods and culture.


The more a govt tries to close and economy the more people find work around solutions and the same goes for culture look at how the Academie Francais has attempted to proscribe the official language while the open and esemplastic English language has become the lingua franca of the world.

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