Regardless of what one may think of his administration, Vladimir Putin, Russia's two-term President takes the cake for playing politics like a Chess Grandmaster. If you've missed all the key moves, here's a summary from the New York Times:
"President Vladimir V. Putin, who is barred from seeking another term, suggested Monday that he might become prime minister next year, seeming to confirm what many analysts had assumed: that he plans to hold on to the power he has accrued over eight years."
Remember that in Russia's system, the Prime Minister slot is a demotion from being President. But that's not how Mr. Putin intends to play it:
"The prime minister’s position in Russia is often viewed as a step toward the presidency; Mr. Putin briefly held the job under President Boris N. Yeltsin before swiftly rising to the seat of power.
Last month Mr. Putin abruptly appointed Viktor A. Zubkov, a confidant of little prior prominence, to the prime minister’s post. He then hinted that Mr. Zubkov could succeed him as the president. The president’s remarks, taken together, suggested that when his term expires he might step one rung down the government’s ladder — and then step back up."
Talk about a chess move.
Almost makes Bill Clinton potentially moving back to the White House look like child's play.
I'm sure you wouldn't have referred to a President's wife in the same way you are referring to Hillary Clinton's husband.
Anyway, surely Putin's just doing a "Cheney"?
Posted by: Eric | Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 01:06 PM
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