Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Alex Tolley

Graphic on global rates:


It is also important to understand what is the real speed subscribers are getting. The internet has been reporting many stories about ISPs not delivering on their "guaranteed speeds", blocking streams such as bitTorrents (net neutrality issue), and general blocking of users (Comcast and its invisible line on data upload/download).

It is certainly arguable that US subscribers do not get the service speeds advertized. Verizon advertises (upto) 768Kbs for basic DSL, but I rarely get more than 56 Kbps when I check. Currently Verizon seems to be blocking bitTorrents as well by deliberately bouncing the connection which requires constant manual modem resets on my network to restore my internet connection.

IMO, calling my service broadband is somewhat of a joke. Now that you have FiOS, what is your experience of Verizon's service - do they deliver on their speed promises and access?

While familiar with the situation in the US, I would like to know the experiences of subscribers in various s.e. asian countries in this regard. Does NTT restrict the service, do subscribers get the speeds that NTT offers?

T1 Internet

T1 internet access is much faster in other countries than in the U.S., up to 50 to 100 times faster.

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