Well, as long speculated, Palm Inc. announced it's plans for migrating it's devices onto a Linux-based platform, as Palminfocenter explains:
"Today at Palm Inc's Analyst Day, Palm CEO Ed Colligan officially announced that Palm will deliver a new Linux and open source based mobile computing platform combined with Palm OS Garnet technology on new products later this year..."
But the time table on products is a bit fuzzy:
"The Analyst presentation concluded without any technical or developer details revealed about the new Linux based platform.
Many questions remain to be answered as to what the official name will be, what Linux technologies are included, how Palm OS Garnet compatibility will be handled and what the development environment will be composed of.
Colligan ended the Q&A session stating that the Linux based platform will be a integral "core technology" for Palm for the foreseeable future."
But it's not as cut and dry, as Wireless Doc explains:
"Windows will continue to be supported, and the Palm Garnet 5.4 OS will run on top of a Linux kernel. Palm intends to make a variety of devices to support these operating systems."
Lot more on this on Techmeme.
It's certainly going to be an interesting year for mobile devices, what with several flavors of Palm going up against Apple's iPhone, next generation Blackberries and more. Consumers certainly will have their hands full making choices.