I'm a big fan of the Segway, in all of it's forms to date.
If you're unfamiliar with this technology marvel from founder Dean Kamen, check out the Segway site, and the Wikipedia entry.
I loved this Segway wheelchair designed by Josef Mora, a designer from Barcelona. It's a one-minute video clip from YouTube.
It'd be great to see something like this officially from Segway; it'd be a great alternative and/or complement for the millions of people using traditional wheelchairs.
The Segway HT actually evolved FROM A WHEELCHAIR!! Prior to the Segway HT, Dean Kamen and his team engineered a wheelchair which can balance on its "hind legs". It has been licensed to Johnson & Johnson and is called iBot. See here
Posted by: Visioneer | Tuesday, April 03, 2007 at 08:48 AM