Sunday, January 21, 2007



Michael -

That is exactly why we created BuzzTracker -- to take what sites like TechMeme or RealClearPolitics are doing in saving you time and expand it to every topic of your choice -- you can use it ( http://www.buzztracker.com ) to track everything from India, to Software as a Service to Microsoft to the Chicago Bears -- we will always surface to you a combination of the most blogged stories as well as the latest news from the top 90K content sources out there.

Even better -- we're soon to launch a Create A Topic feature to track your *specific* topic using the same techniques we use from our vast list of content sources.

Check it out -- would love your feedback.



And one more point --- which I think is a real issue -- is that a very very low percentage of the overall population knows what RSS is let alone what an RSS reader is -- I think services like ours must emerge if the long tail is really going to come to fruition from a news perspective. The vast majority of people will not sign up for hundreds of feeds -- but they will be searching and looking for topics and information relevant to that topic.

I am not saying we're there yet -- but it was this premise that drove our design (can we pass the "Mom test" as far as usability goes) -- and we like the direction we've started down.



The first RSS reader I used, a friend of mine wrote back in 2002. It was pretty much -just- for news - we had all of the Moreover feeds, and slashdot and a few others. (and I was serving up my own linkblog with shell scripts to add to the subscription list.)

It was basically just news news news, three columns and all the feeds on one page in one gigantic stream of data. It was fantastic, because you didn't have to read it all or mark it read or organize anything.

What I want out of these things now is for it to compare my browser history against the RSS feed status. (But that isn't going to happen until firefox gets better history logs.)

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