In case you missed it, here's a pretty good explanation of what the mid-terms are all about. Particularly helpful as you go through the Sunday morning shows and papers getting ready for this coming Tuesday. From Jon Stewart's the Daily Show, via YouTube.
Very much in the JibJab vein. Touch under two and a half minutes.
What's interesting is this aired back in 2002. Yet it seems current enough for 2006.
Except maybe for the "Everybody re-elected" part.
Perhaps the midterm elections are an all or nothing phenomenon. Across the board almost everyone gets re-elected, or the opposite occurs where voting everyone out at the polls is seen as a way to express frustration, like 1974 and 1990. Speaking of 1990, a former next-door neighbor of mine, Sean McDevitt, ran for Congress in that election... he was at Goldman Sachs in the '90s so you might know him. He ran Republican in a solidly Republican district but that was the midterm election where members of that party had to deal with the "read my lips" broken promise issue.
If we remember Watergate as 1974's reason to vote out Republicans and "read my lips" as 1990's, then what will be the one reason remembered if the Republican party gets sent home in the 2006 midterm election?
Posted by: Noel McKinney | Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 01:09 PM
Big week next week- especially for Wal-Mart (minimum wage voting), Big Pharma and Big Oil.
If Dems win most of the 12$ billion in subsidies for Oil could be in trouble, not to mention the rising Medicare issues.
Oh and California's P87!
Posted by: Yaser Anwar | Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 02:05 PM