This post by Jeff Matthews brought to my attention one of the best headlines done by the New York Post. As Jeff tells it:
You gotta love the New York Post.
Thus today’s headline reports Rummy's demise, encapsulating in two words the entire changing of the guard now under way in Washington after Tuesday’s game-changer elections.
And we owe it all not to the mainstream press, which, as far as I can recall did not break a single investigative piece of news that mattered to the voters on Tuesday.
It was, rather, thanks to YouTube."
Jeff goes onto cite a couple of examples of videos breaking on YouTube that went onto break the careers of Republican politicians in midstream, like George "Macaca" Allen.
And thanks to YouTube again, here's a bit from Craig Ferguson's Late Night show on CBS, saying goodbye to Donald Rumsfeld:
I'm already forgetting...what the heck did we do before YouTube?
This reminds me of this seminal article on the NYT, and print media at large. http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north467.html
Posted by: Jo | Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 08:45 AM