Sunday, October 15, 2006


Yaser Anwar

"Micro-credit has proved to be an important liberating force in societies where women in particular have to struggle against repressive social and economic conditions. Economic growth and political democracy can not achieve their full potential unless the female half of humanity participates on an equal footing with the male."

Source: Nobel Prize Committee

Today, more than 250 institutions in nearly 100 countries operate micro-credit programs based on the Grameen Bank model, while thousands of other micro-credit programs have emulated, adapted or been inspired by the Grameen Bank.

Truly remarkable.

Ken Liffiton @ Grameen Foundation

Thanks for following the growth of microfinance over the years, and for posting the great news and recognition of Dr. Yunus' decades of hard work. The Nobel Prize is a huge boost not just for Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, but for microfinance in general. At Grameen Foundation, we support many of the microfinance programs around the world that use Grameen Bank's methods, and technology plays a key role in our work. It's exciting to see growing world support for microfinance, which will ultimately support more rapid expansion of programs to fill what is still a huge unmet need for financial services among the poor.

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