One of the funniest and "out of the box" new consumer internet start-up services I've seen spring up in recent weeks is something called the Popularity Dialer (hat-tip Ted Leonsis).
Most of us remember a time in our past, or a moment in our future, where we could possibly use something like this.
I haven't used their service yet, but very well may try it out. It could very well qualify as a "Thriller!" service.
So what do they do? Well, in their words,
"Have you ever been in a situation where you wished your cell phone would ring? Maybe you wanted to look extra important or popular on that hot date. Or maybe you just needed an excuse to escape from an unpleasant meeting.
With "The Popularity Dialer", you can plan ahead. Via a web interface, you can choose to have your phone called at a particular time (or several times). At the elected time, your phone will be dialed and you will hear a prerecorded message that's one half of a conversation. Thus, you will be prompted to have a fake conversation and will easily fool those around you.
They've got different samples of each of the calls you can listen to on their site (female voice, male voice, boss call, etc.).
For the moment the service is free, but one can see how people might pay for this.
They've got some new features in the works, which you can see most anticipated one is this one:
"1) Popularitydialer calls activated via text message"
Now there's a real good use for SMS text messaging.
Although I'd of course never use this service as advertised, there's another practical use for a service like this, that I could be swayed to try: on the road wake-up calls, to back up the hotel's service.
Now, there's a service we've all wished for at the right price (free).
Any other uses that come to mind?
Good evening. Working hard, in this busy time for you called. This is my friend and the Boke,just established, the time is not long. The issue here isthat everybody can see my Boke, Ha-ha, raising some visibility, which caused trouble to ask your forgiveness! We all hope to see. Please! 笑傲苍穹博客 晚秋稻草博客 绽放笑容 寂寞无痕博客 思念秋风博客 谷歌和百度的博客 小城故事专栏 流淌的河水 月是故乡明 拥有幸福 爱是什么 笑傲江湖 真爱无敌 幽默坏蛋博客 醉看红尘 诱惑的雨夜 热的发抖 记忆中的故乡 独自去徘徊 都市流浪人 漂泊的船 生命的感悟 秋日的午后 笑看天下 落花无泪
Posted by: gsh | Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 12:21 AM