As I've pointed out in the past, not all of Apple's products inspire automatic adulation, envy and inspiration. Indeed, some of them struggle to just work, as is the case of Apple's .Mac (aka dotmac) online service, which apparently has been beset with glitches in recent days (via CNET):
"Apple Computer's latest advertising campaign, pegged to the slogan "It just works," is irritating some .Mac users as they wonder when the service will become operational again.
Over the past four days, .Mac users have struggled to get its Web site publishing features, iWeb, and related file-share capabilities, iDisk, to work. Users have complained not only about the length of the outage, but also what they say is a tardy response from .Mac's technical support team, according to postings on Apple's discussion board."
In what may or may not be a related move, Apple looks like it may be curtailing support for it's discussion boards, according to Appleinsider.
If true, it'd be ironic. Apple, the company beloved by it's "public" shying away from the community that feeds it, while Dell, hated of late by it's "public", goes out of it's way to reach out to a community, any community, via enhanced customer service investments and it's very own blog.
Maybe history does repeat itself.
P.S. Om Malik has some pithy words on all this here.
Good post!!
Posted by: Jasmine | Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 05:06 AM
I like your post!!
Posted by: Caitlin | Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 09:32 AM
Apple, the company beloved by it's "public" shying away from the community that feeds it.
That's great!!
Posted by: Mackenzie | Sunday, August 06, 2006 at 10:02 AM
I believe it's so great!
Posted by: Megan | Sunday, August 06, 2006 at 11:28 AM