Technology continues to improve, even in the most mundane of areas.
A few weeks ago, I posted on the emergence of LED License plates to better communicate with drivers behind and around you (for better or for worse).
Well, (via Techmeme), reports on "Emoticon tags" that allow for even more expressive communication with one's fellow drivers.
As the article explains:
"The battery-operated message display module is attached to the rear windscreen and is activated by remote control, so you don’t need to install any wiring..."
With the device,
" can let drivers behind you know exactly what you think of their driving behaviour!
If they’re driving too close, just hit the :( button on the controller and see what happens.
If they drop back for you, you can give them a thank you with a smiley, but if they don’t you can hit the “Back Off” button as a last warning before you hit the “**** off” button!"
Again, not sure if I'd use this in certain cities like LA.
I'm not sure what's next...maybe little Nerf guns that can be attached to the rear bumper, and used to remotely shoot foam bullets at tail-gaters that get too close?