"Top 100 European Firms", by Red Herring...that was the headline that caught my eye on Techmeme (formerly known as Tech Memeorandum) today. It wasn't the content of the article that caused me to do the double-take, although a list like that is always interesting.
No, it was the sense of deja vu of seeing the publication...Red Herring, rearing it's high-tech head again. I double checked the date on the article...not, it wasn't May 8, 1996, but May 8, 2006.
In actuality, they've been back for a couple of years now. As this entry in Wikipedia notes,
"Red Herring re-launched as a web site in the fall of 2003. After staffing up with both beginner and experienced journalists, Red Herring produced several test issues of the print magazine in the fall of 2004 and launched as a full-fledged weekly magazine in January of 2005.
The magazine delivered 48 issues in 2005 to both subscribers and newsstands and is now in its second year as both a print publication and a web site."
You can see the print side from the subscription offer here.
It's good seeing them linked to on the web again.
The Top 100 list does look interesting, especially the sub-categories on the Internet, Computing, Software and Communications, for this geeky reader.
It's good to see the Red Herring again. I look forward to reading it again, both online and off.