Saturday, February 18, 2006


Jakob Lodwick

Thanks for the Vimeo mention, but there's practically no content on there that isn't owned by the person who uploaded it.

Michael Eisenberg

You ought to check out www.metacafe.com, the user experience is much cleaner than youtube. You will also not that on Metacafe, submitters have begun licensing their content to the site. See this article at http://www.pantagraph.com/articles/2006/02/14/business/doc43f219b34bde1132959781.txt

"With the antique podcast successfully under his belt, R.C. launched a podcast of clips from “Protect and Serve” the day after Christmas. Titled Security Guard Theatre, the podcast has received 88,131 hits. Recently, he allowed a Sri Lankan website called MetaCafe to use three clips of Security Guard. Within 10 hours, 2,524 people visited the site."


Youtube is a great web site video sharing site, Google made all the right moves by purchasing Youtube even if other CEO's think they overpaid for it, i think they got it for very cheap. Youtube is now a brand that will be around for a long long time, and given Google's commitment to advancements in practical internet technology, it can all only get better and better as the years and decades pass, Youtube will be around on 2010, 2020, 2030, and so on.. it will more than pay for itself specially given the rate of inflation and so on 1.6billion is really nothing, divide it into few pieces for the Youtube founders, minus the IRS costs and etc, and they each end up no more than few hundred million, which if you think about it, is not all that much. a million is basicly 500x $1000 times 2. even middle income people spend $1000 in a single day nowadays, not much at all Google made the best moves ever. There are also other great video sharing web sites such as Motiono , here take a look at this interesting video for motiono ( http://en.sevenload.com/videos/Ocb9YNx/Motiono-com-3 ) i upload videos to motion often, it is not as decent as Youtube but still pretty neat.

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