"Small is the New Big" sayeth Jeff Jarvis quoting Seth Godin and now Inc Magazine.
Reading the post, followed by this post on a secret peek at the upcoming Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) game console on memeorandum, made me think that this buzz-phrase may be true in the world of video games as well.
Evidence you say? How about this article in the MercuryNews (shoutout Bubblegeneration)?
It's on the hot new Nintendo DS, it's run-away hand-held success. The article quoted Nintendo's top marketer noting that:
"...portables saved the holiday sales in 2005. And that the market for video games grew in Japan for the first time since 1997, thanks to strong sales of portable hardware and software. He noted that nine titles on the DS handheld topped 1 million units sold. Nintendogs, the puppy simulator, has sold 1.5 million units in the U.S. alone (my 9-year-old has been playing since August and is on her third puppy), and the female customer is a huge driver of sales."
The article also notes many "at-the-edge" marketing and technology innovations that Nintendo is executing:
"He said WiFi wireless networking on the DS through 7,000 McDonalds outlets has been a big success. More than 21 million connections have been made through WiFi. And with Metroid Prime Hunters, DS owners will be able to launch voice-over-Internet-protocol talk sessions with their friends before and after they play the game on a wireless network.
Nintendo will also create new DS Download Stations in thousands of retail outlets. DS owners will be able to use WiFi to download demos and trailers, and keep them while their DS is turned on. It could drive more traffic to retailers."
The Nintendo DS is a pioneering device with two screens that had it's naysayers when it was introduced. While the other video game companies like Sony, Microsoft and others were focusing on more and more powerful consoles and hand-helds, Nintendo zigged instead of zagging and innovated with "out-of-the-box" thinking.
The jury is still out on the eventual success of the strategy, but the early signs of the small DS being the new Big are promising.
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