Apparently, almost 50 Tablet PC enthusiasts and movers & shakers met up for a $1000 plus burger dinner at CES, and had a great time.
I'm glad for them.
A number of them even posted on how great it all are some of the posts (via memeorandum:
- Loren of Incremental Blogger (most detailed post on the "atmospherics" of the event)
- jkontherun took names, rank and serial numbers, along with pictures, of some of the folks there...
- "What is New" blog has some quotes from the folks there on how great it all was...
- Robert Scoble mentions how he commendably got the ball rolling on the various companies paying for the shin ding in an impromptu sort of way...
- Rob Bushway had an aside comment on the event...
But what gets me is that none of the folks who were there posted on WHAT WAS ACTUALLY DISCUSSED about TABLET PCs at the event.
For instance,
- What burning questions/issues did people have on the evolution of Tablet PCs into 2006 and beyond?
- What were the general observations/impressions of some of the stuff showed at CES by folks like Motion Computing, OQO, DualCor cPc etc.? (incidentally, JK has a SEPARATE post on the DualCor cPc that's pretty good).
- After having seen Motion's LS800 "slate" compact Tablet PC and OQO's +! with the Tablet PC OS installed, what did folks think of the two side by side?
- What were Tablet PC apps/utilities/software most folks there excited about? Used most?
- Any other general insights into buying/using/evaluating/contemplating Tablet PCs going forward?
Anything beyond how great it was, and how much fun everybody had...share the joy with the rest of us Tablet PC crazies who weren't there.
Not ranting here folks, just asking for a little more beef.
Good points. I'm still learning about what other people talked about too and I was there!
OQO representative Adam made the rounds and talked with people about what they thought about the OQO Model 01+ with Windows XP Tablet PC Edition installed. Some people raved about it and other people had a difficult time seeing it because it is very tiny. All were happy just to have time to play with the unit. I believe James will post a full evaluation of the OQO later.
Plenty of conversation about the Toshiba Portege M400. People were trying to sort through who was told what about when it will be released. Others hadn't seen it yet, so people were directing them to the Toshiba booth.
I'll write more about it on whatisnew in a bit.
Posted by: Lora | Monday, January 09, 2006 at 12:31 PM
This was a blogger/tablet pc meetup, and we definitely had a good time. But I don't recall talking more than 5 mins about my Thinkpad X41 .
Posted by: Jeff Clavier | Monday, January 09, 2006 at 02:17 PM
DualCor cPC looks like a very promising machine. I’m glad to see one more Handtop PC on the market besides OQO.
Posted by: MiniPCs | Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 10:17 PM