Well, Microsoft's Robert Scoble is taking up Om Malik's "No-GYM" challenge of blogging without mentioning the GYM (Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft) companies for a hundred posts.
As Om mentions in an update to his post, a number of folks have taken up the "No-GYM" challenge, Scoble is the only one I know of who's set an identifiable goal line: "No-GYM" blogging for a 100 posts.
His rationale is pretty commendable:
"So, why do this? Cause I had an entrepreneur last night tell me that when I linked to his company recently his company’s sales doubled.
That reminded me of my time working in marketing for Winnov and I was frustrated by trying to get anyone to pay attention to what our company was doing. I remember what it was like to have all the press pay attention only to Microsoft.
So, let’s see if I can do 100 posts without talking about the big three companies."
Having been "Scobelized" over the weekend myself on my "Foldershare" post, I can attest to the increased traffic flows (Thanks, Robert).
Given his staccato style of blogging through the day, he's already up to number nineteen at the time of this post.
I've already been introduced to some interesting new internet companies and web sites like:
- Optimal Access (#19), who offers a new Internet browser and RSS reader.
- (#15), yet another gadget site (one can never have enough, IMHO).
- A survey of real-time flight tracking services (#12), one of my favorite niche categories (see my recent post on how these are applicable to more useful cell-phone tracking services).
Reading through all the nineteen so far is pretty interesting, given the range of things that Tech blogging "A-listers" are exposed to. It's almost something that all "A-listers" should be asked to do once a year. Kind of like a "Blog Community Service" project, in the spirit of giving something back.
Of course, being "GYM-free" for a 100 posts is only a half-marathon. For a full marathon and follow-up challenge, one could try being GYMAAAE-free for a 100 posts.
Me, being a contrarian and all, might go the other way and blog about nothing BUT GYM for a 100 posts. Don't panic, I'm just THINKING about it.