Late last night I watched a Tivo'ed CSI episode titled "Bite Me" where a suspect was nabbed with incriminating videos mailed from a "[email protected]".
Then, in a mildly surreal experience this morning, I read via Memeorandum this almost "Believe It or Not" story from CRN on how a guy allegedly researched and planned the murder of his wife on Google. Some choice excerpts:
" Prosecutors claim a Mac specialist on trial in connection with the killing of his wife did a Google search for the words: "neck snap break" and "hold" before she was killed."
"Prosecutors claimed that Petrick, who stands out in his Christian North Carolina community as a self-professed Pagan, left behind a trail of digital evidence including a visit to a site called bloodfest666. Investigators are also focusing e-mails to women they said Petrick was having affairs with and a download of a document entitled "22 ways to kill a man with your bare hands.""...the Google searches just came up, though the investigation began nearly two years ago. He said that there was a massive amount of information on all of the hard drives."
As John Battelle points out, Google just released a "Personalized Search" product, that presumably make the lives of crime fighters even easier in the future.
Did Larry and Sergey have this in mind all along when they said Google will "Do No Evil"? Did they also intend for Google to help fight Evil?
I've said it before, but ain't technology grand?