It's been a tough couple of weeks for the country and most of us, on top of whatever's been going on in our daily lives. We've had plenty to get upset about and worked up over regardless of which side of the political fence we sit. Not to mention being sad to the core about the what's happened to so many.
I'd forgotten how much I needed a smile until I saw this great post by Tom Evslin. He succeeds in helping us not take our world so seriously in times like these, especially in the daily show of blog-reading and writing.
Obviously, Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" notwithstanding (particularly, Ed Helms' "Beleagured Bush" segment is one of the funniest things I've seen on Katrina to date, and NOT to be missed, regardless of political affiliation).
P.S. (shameless plug): Don't forget to read the first comment after Tom's post, where yours truly takes a crack at his inspired comedic template.
After/IF you get through THAT comment, and are interested in reading more about my thoughts on Lou Dobbs' Crusades, click here and here).