This is just to highlight a timely comment by Dick Costolo of Feedburner to my earlier post today on Blog Plagiarism Solutions. He corrects my earlier speculation that Feedburner's new BuzzBoost feature could be used to further blog plagiarism. I'm publishing his comment as a post so as to highlight it:
Michael, we specifically coded buzzboost to not work this way. There is no search engine juice or any indexing at all of the content that can be achieved with BuzzBoost because it is pure javascript and contains no content in the code we generate for publishers.
We specifically built it this way so that it could NOT be used as a service to "snatch" indexable content for the purposes of advertising matches or search engine juice.
As we have released it, buzzBoost is an ideal tool for publishers and is of no use to spammers or those looking to drop ads into a page matching somebody else's content.
We should be much more clear about that in our post, and we'll update it right now to reflect the time and thought we put into this.
My bad...thanks Dick/Feedburner for let's hope Feedburner's competitors are just as socially responsible enough to make sure their possible versions of this innovation don't empower RSS's evil twin, Really Simple Stealing, aka RSS-ET.