Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Sunil Chhaya

I'm going to have a portable multi-hundred-gig backup drive that I intend carrying with me that has the data of my hard drive backed up through IEEE1394 port every night, religiously. Public-domain broadband, IMHO, is way too slow and unreliable, for any mission-critical work. The standard sized ones are about a buck a GB (I have a Maxtor 300GB at home that I use to back up a couple of my notebooks) and the smaller, sexier ones from Lacie, for example, may be about 2 bucks/GB, and all have a USB 2.0 interface w/ most also having the firewire capability. I particularly like Maxtor's 1-touch simplicity w/ backing up data once you have installed and configured the companion (provided) Retrospect utility.

Michael Parekh

Good suggestion...I have the Maxtor as well...the solution above solves the backup problem, but not the sharing one...and as such the public domain internet will still need to scale to address the sharing problem.

T1 Connection

Excellent comments about today's broadband.
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